Sunday, May 16, 2010


It is coming to my attention that I need some sort of job. Here is pretty much what I am looking for:

A) I dont really want to do much work

B) I am actually trying to get out of the work I have to do

C) Something, that when invited to a 'Volunteer Tea', or when asked to volunteer for some goddamn thing in the first place (dont even get me started on how volunteering is not even voluntary anymore) I can say "Oh, sorry, I have to work! Really Id LOVE to, but..." (shrugging shoulders, and shaking head)

D) If there is ANY way I can tell people to "Fuck Off", that would be tits.

I know its super cool that I get to * stay home with my kids and all, but you know the grass is always greener. I mean I know having a job blows (almost said blow jobs:)).

I use to work, I remember, have to do stupid shit for some asshole boss all day, its crap. But having to do stupid shit all day for a tiny asshole boss with boogers all over his face, or a bigger boss, that you have to fuck at the end of the day (not that Idont enjoy fucking my boss at the end of the day, I do! Really, I am just sure there are women out there who are all like "MAN, this asshole AGAIN!" Like if hes one of those husbands who expects "dinner" on the table or, the house to be "clean" or some shit, or if he has a small dick, or dosent know how to stimulate the clitoris properly, I dont know, I am just sayin', me on the other hand, cant get enough boss fucking.)

Where was I, ok, well the point is, if you happen to know of an opening in the "telling people to Fuck Off field" hook a sista up.

*dosent have the earning power to make enough money to pay for daycare.**

** didnt go to collage.***

***cant spell.

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